Hyperledger Fabric Orderer分析记录
Fabric Orderer主要作用
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| orderer ├── README.md ├── common │ ├── blockcutter //切块代码 │ ├── bootstrap //初始区块的提供方式 │ ├── broadcast //广播代码 │ ├── localconfig //本地配置相关实现 │ ├── metadata //通过metadata.go实现获取版本信息。 │ ├── msgprocessor //消息处理 │ ├── multichannel │ ├── performance │ └── server ├── consensus //共识代码 │ ├── consensus.go │ ├── kafka │ └── solo ├── main.go //main入口 ├── mocks │ ├── common │ └── util └── sample_clients ├── broadcast_config ├── broadcast_msg └── deliver_stdout
- 通过 orderer 包下的 main() 方法实现,会进一步调用到 orderer/common/server 包中的 Main() 方法。
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| func Main() { fullCmd := kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(os.Args[1:]))
if fullCmd == version.FullCommand() { fmt.Println(metadata.GetVersionInfo()) return } conf, err := localconfig.Load() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to parse config: ", err) os.Exit(1) } initializeLoggingLevel(conf) initializeLocalMsp(conf)
prettyPrintStruct(conf) Start(fullCmd, conf) }
- localconfig.Load():从本地配置文件和环境变量中读取配置信息,构建配置树结构。
- initializeLoggingLevel(conf):配置日志级别。
- initializeLocalMsp(conf):配置 MSP 结构。
- prettyPrintStruct(conf): 打印相关
- Start(fullCmd, conf):完成启动后的核心工作。
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| var ( app = kingpin.New("orderer", "Hyperledger Fabric orderer node") start = app.Command("start", "Start the orderer node").Default() version = app.Command("version", "Show version information") benchmark = app.Command("benchmark", "Run orderer in benchmark mode") )
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| func GetVersionInfo() string { Version = common.Version if Version == "" { Version = "development build" }
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n Version: %s\n Commit SHA: %s\n"+ " Go version: %s\n OS/Arch: %s\n"+ " Experimental features: %s\n", ProgramName, Version, common.CommitSHA, runtime.Version(), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), common.Experimental) }
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| conf, err := localconfig.Load()
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| func Load() (*TopLevel, error) { config := viper.New() coreconfig.InitViper(config, "orderer") config.SetEnvPrefix(Prefix) config.AutomaticEnv() replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") config.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer)
if err := config.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading configuration: %s", err) }
var uconf TopLevel if err := viperutil.EnhancedExactUnmarshal(config, &uconf); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshaling config into struct: %s", err) }
uconf.completeInitialization(filepath.Dir(config.ConfigFileUsed())) return &uconf, nil }
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| initializeLoggingLevel(conf)
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| func initializeLoggingLevel(conf *localconfig.TopLevel) { flogging.InitBackend(flogging.SetFormat(conf.General.LogFormat), os.Stderr) flogging.InitFromSpec(conf.General.LogLevel) }
| initializeLocalMsp(conf)
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| func initializeLocalMsp(conf *localconfig.TopLevel) { err := mspmgmt.LoadLocalMsp(conf.General.LocalMSPDir, conf.General.BCCSP, conf.General.LocalMSPID) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("Failed to initialize local MSP:", err) } }
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| func Start(cmd string, conf *localconfig.TopLevel) { signer := localmsp.NewSigner() serverConfig := initializeServerConfig(conf) grpcServer := initializeGrpcServer(conf, serverConfig) caSupport := &comm.CASupport{ AppRootCAsByChain: make(map[string][][]byte), OrdererRootCAsByChain: make(map[string][][]byte), ClientRootCAs: serverConfig.SecOpts.ClientRootCAs, } tlsCallback := func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) { if grpcServer.MutualTLSRequired() { logger.Debug("Executing callback to update root CAs") updateTrustedRoots(grpcServer, caSupport, bundle) } }
manager := initializeMultichannelRegistrar(conf, signer, tlsCallback) mutualTLS := serverConfig.SecOpts.UseTLS && serverConfig.SecOpts.RequireClientCert server := NewServer(manager, signer, &conf.Debug, conf.General.Authentication.TimeWindow, mutualTLS)
switch cmd { case start.FullCommand(): logger.Infof("Starting %s", metadata.GetVersionInfo()) initializeProfilingService(conf) ab.RegisterAtomicBroadcastServer(grpcServer.Server(), server) logger.Info("Beginning to serve requests") grpcServer.Start() case benchmark.FullCommand(): logger.Info("Starting orderer in benchmark mode") benchmarkServer := performance.GetBenchmarkServer() benchmarkServer.RegisterService(server) benchmarkServer.Start() } }
5-1 start方法里
- 经过initializeServerConfig(conf)
- initializeGrpcServer(conf, serverConfig)启动Grpc服务
- 初始化initializeMultiChainManager(启动共识插件,接收和处理消息)
| manager := initializeMultiChainManager(conf, signer)
initializeMultiChainManager(conf, signer)代码如下:
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| func initializeMultichannelRegistrar(conf *localconfig.TopLevel, signer crypto.LocalSigner, callbacks ...func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle)) *multichannel.Registrar { lf, _ := createLedgerFactory(conf) 如果是首次启动情况,默认先创建系统通道的本地账本结构 if len(lf.ChainIDs()) == 0 { initializeBootstrapChannel(conf, lf) } else { logger.Info("Not bootstrapping because of existing chains") } consenters := make(map[string]consensus.Consenter) consenters["solo"] = solo.New() consenters["kafka"] = kafka.New(conf.Kafka) return multichannel.NewRegistrar(lf, consenters, signer, callbacks...)
5-1-1: initializeMultiChainManager方法总结
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| 创建账本操作的工厂结构; 如果是新启动情况,利用给定的系统初始区块文件初始化系统通道的相关结构; 完成共识插件(包括 solo 和 kafka 两种)的初始化; multichannel.NewRegistrar(lf, consenters, signer) 方法会扫描本地账本数据(此时至少已存在系统通道),创建 Registrar 结构,并为每个账本都启动共识(如 Kafka 排序)过程。
5-1-2: multichannel.NewRegistrar方法
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| existingChains := ledgerFactory.ChainIDs() for _, chainID := range existingChains { if _, ok := ledgerResources.ConsortiumsConfig(); ok { chain := newChainSupport(r, ledgerResources, consenters, signer) chain.Processor = msgprocessor.NewSystemChannel(chain, r.templator, msgprocessor.CreateSystemChannelFilters(r, chain)) r.chains[chainID] = chain r.systemChannelID = chainID r.systemChannel = chain defer chain.start() else chain := newChainSupport(r, ledgerResources, consenters, signer) r.chains[chainID] = chain chain.start() }
5-2, 根据输入命令选择启动方式 (“start”下)
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| initializeProfilingService(conf)
ab.RegisterAtomicBroadcastServer(grpcServer.Server(), server) logger.Info("Beginning to serve requests") grpcServer.Start()